1: the quality or state of being responsible,
2:moral, legal, or mental accountibility.
To take it a step further, M-W defines responsible as
1: liable to be called on to answer, liable to be called on to account as the primary cause, motive, or agent.
2; able to answer for one's conduct and obligations; able to choose for ones self between right and wrong.
I bring this up because Obama and the democrats seem to think it is their place to dictate to the country what everyone's responsibility should be. This is precisely what our Constitution tried to guard against by limiting the power of the government. Whether it is health care reform or the cap and trade legislation, this administration is hell bent on redefining personal and social responsibility. For starters, making everyone carry health insurance. Before that, provisions in the cap and trade bill requiring people selling their houses to have it inspected and forcing them to make green "upgrades".
As a Christian, I have a book that outlines in pretty clear detail what my personal and social responsibilities are. Even if I did not have that, simple cause and effect generally teaches most people how to behave in a semi-responsible manner, for instance, if I drink too much, I'm probably going to make an ass out of myself, get sick, waste a day recovering, and potentially hurt myself or someone else, so I am careful about how I drink, who I drink with and plan ahead if I know there is a good chance I'm going to go three sheets to the wind. Just an example I pulled out of the air...
When the government starts talking like a parent, we are in serious trouble. It means a couple of things. First, the government is overstepping it's bounds. Second, there are obviously enough people in society who think that it is okay for the government to do this, and also there may be a growing segment who are fine with relinquishing personal responsibility in exchange for government care. I use the term "care" loosely. More on this later.
One more thing I want to say. It is to our president's and his State Department's shame that they have not supported the Honduran government in it's ouster of Mel Zelaya. The Supreme court and congress of that nation acted when Mel Zel tried to circumvent the country's constitution. Obama is making a big mistake by entertaining every two-bit dictator. But what do you expect from a two-bit charlatan.
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